Experienced Front-End Developer

I build exceptional and accessible digital experiences for the web.


Hello, I am Aung Pyae Phyo, I am frontend developer based in Mandalay. I am honing my skills and contributing to innovative web projects with tech stacks that include Javascript, typescript, React.js, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, PHP, Laravel, MySql, Postgresql,MongoDB, Firebase and Supabase.

I am passionate about crafting seamless and captivating online experiences. I have embarked on a journey to learn computer science.

As a firm believer in lifelong learning, I am excited to expand my horizons and continuously grow both as a developer and a language enthusiast.


  1. Feb 2023Present

    Full-Stack Developer

    I work at Freelance in March 1, 2023 as MERN stack developer.

    • Javascript
    • Typescript
    • React.js
    • Redux
    • Next.js
    • Node.js
    • Express.js
    • MongoDB
    • Postgresql
  2. Nov 2023Mar

    Frontend Developer

    I work at Myanmar Media Linkage in November 1, 2023 as Frontend developer.

    • Typescript
    • React.js
    • Redux
    • Next.js
    • Next-Auth


  • IT Job MM / Company Dashboard

    Job Portal Company Dashboard, powered by Next.js, TypeScript, and NextUI. This dashboard offers a fast, user-friendly experience for managing job postings, tracking applicants, and gaining insights into your hiring process. With sleek design and customizable features, it's easy to use on any device. Plus, it's secure and supported by continuous updates. Simplify your recruitment efforts and elevate your hiring game with our dashboard

    • Tailwindcss
    • NextUI
    • Typescript
    • Next.js
  • IT Job MM

    I spearheaded the development of a sophisticated IT job finder platform, employing a comprehensive tech stack comprising Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, TypeScript, and NextUI. Throughout the project lifecycle, I prioritized seamless user experiences and performance optimization, ensuring the platform's effectiveness in connecting job seekers with relevant opportunities in the IT sector.

    • Typescript
    • Next.js
    • Node.js
    • Express.js
    • MongoDB
    • NextUI
  • Thihan's Portfolio

    Developed a UI/UX project for Ko Thihan. The project aimed to briefly describe the project's goals and objectives, such as enhancing user experience or increasing engagement.

    • Typescript
    • Tailwindcss
    • Next.js
    • Supabase
  • Developed the MMPad at Myanmar Media Linkage Company Limited in 2023. The project, built with Tailwindcss, RadixUI, NextJS, Zod, React-Hook-Form, Zustand, NextAuth, Inspired by Wattpad

    • Typescript
    • Next.js
    • NextAuth
    • Zod
    • React-Hook-Form
    • RadixUI
Built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS, deployed with Vercel. All text is set with geist font. Coded with Webstorm IDE.